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groups » lesbians in recovery

lesbians in recovery

members forum


Group name: lesbians in recovery
Group status: offener Channel - Beitritt direkt möglich
Application/status: You're not logged in
Founder: Wendym6767
Group first started: 09.12.2011 07:16
category interests -> life choices
Members: 19

brief description

This is a group for lesbians who work/live a 12 step program.


Let's talk about recovery, the steps meetings. All 12 Step programs. Main focus NA,AA. Share your story, clean time, experience, strength and hope. In the lesbian community it is difficult to stay clean and meet people. Everything is centered around alcohol and drugs.

rules and guidelines

Let's practice the principals here and in all our affairs. I need to have 200 characters but I don't know what else to say. The traditions and principals say it all.:......................... .............................. .............................. ...

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